Nebraska Auto Racing Hall of Fame
Eight Elite Individuals Honored at 2024 Nebraska Auto Racing Hall of Fame Ceremony On Saturday in Lincoln
LINCOLN, Neb. (11/16/24) - The Nebraska Auto Racing Hall of Fame showcased and enshrined and elite eight individuals on Saturday evening at the 2024 Nebraska Auto Racing Hall of Fame Induction ceremony and banquet at the Courtside Banquet Hall in Lincoln.
The new members of the Hall of Fame included Jim Dalrymple of Gothenburg; Jerry Jacobs of Phillips; the late Kim Lingenfelter of Norfolk; Gale Murkle, formerly of Lincoln; the late Elmer Saathoff of Beatrice; Ron Sardeson of Greenwood and Don Vonderfecht of Holbrook.
Former Nebraska Auto Racing Hall of Fame board member, the late Dallas Whiting was honored as the 2024 Gordie Shuck Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Whiting’s children; Jeff Whiting, Jared Whiting and Monica Noel were present to receive the award on his behalf.
The new members were honored by a capacity sold out crowd of friends and family who also heard pertinent details from honorees and several stories were exchanged during the banquet.
Drag racer, crew chief and engine builder Jim Dalrymple talked of his time competing in some of the national acclaimed NHRA events during his career. Dalrymple had his hand in many cars that found the finish line first at tracks all over the United States.
Well-known and admired photographer Jerry Jacobs has shared his vision through the viewfinder at race tracks all over Nebraska and throughout the midwest. Jacobs legacy will continue far into the future as his images that were once in print media are now being shared in many different online formats.
The late Kim Lingenfelter’s brother Ron Lingenfelter and Kim’s wife Lynn Lingenfelter were present to receive the honor for the famed Norfolk, Nebraska racer. One of Kim’s hot rods was also on display outside of the Banquet Hall, which was enjoyed by all in attendance.
Gale Murkle was on hand to receive his award for being a crew member and then became a legendary crew chief of sprint cars that won points championships at numerous tracks across the midwest and were threats to win; which they usually did at tracks all over the midwest and western regions of the United States.
Stepping into the spotlight on behalf of his late father, Elmer Saathoff; Johnny Saathoff received the cherished Hall of Fame accolades while discussing the impacts that Elmer Saathoff had on auto racing. Saathoff mentioned the many hats that his dad had worn in auto racing, such as a promoter, car builder, parts supplier and owner are just a few of those jobs.
Ron Sardeson was on hand to be honored for all of his impacts on auto racing that included many of the early developments of IMCA Modified racing in Nebraska. Sardeson had manufactured chassis and chassis kits for Speedway Motors and many successful racers all across America. Sardeson and his family for a long time have continued to be parts suppliers for area race trackers and competitors as well.
Well-known driver, car owner and engine builder Don Vonderfecht stepped into the limelight to elaborate on many of the experiences and memories that he had during his famed career in auto racing. Vonderfecht had developed a fascination with automobiles and all things mechanical at a young age and still finds great enjoyment with automobiles.
The Nebraska Auto Racing Hall of Fame is a special tribute for Nebraskans far and wide to be honored for their accomplishments in motorsports. If you feel that an individual deserves recognition; please nominate and provide a biography online at www.narhof.com. If you so choose that you would like to financially assist in the honoring of the Hall of Fame, you can donate to the cause online as well.
If you have any questions about the Nebraska Auto Racing Hall of Fame, you can contact a Board of Director member or email the board at [narhof1998@gmail.com](mailto:narhof1998@gmail.com].